Saturday, February 4, 2012

I'm such a bitch!

I should never go to the grocery store knowing it will be crowded. Normally I go late at night or right in the middle of the day in the middle of the week when the little old ladies are the only ones in the store. Today is the day before the Super Bowl. I should have stayed home. 

I get there and of course the kid want's "circle chicken". I get her in a cart and weave through the crowd to the deli counter. There was about 5 people in line, so I stood behind the one standing furthest out (assuming he's last in line). A couple people filter out after getting their order and I inch forward. As I'm standing there almost next in line (getting a little excited now since the faster this is over, the fast we can get out of this crazy store) and a woman wheels her cart up and right through the few people standing there and just about right in front of me. So what do I do but cause a huge scene, start yelling at her that I was next in line and to get the hell out of my way. How dare she try to cut in front of my starving child, dumb woman. Or at least that's how you would have thought it happened by her appalled reaction. In reality I scooted my cart forward and [politely] said, "Excuse me, I think I was next."  JUST. LIKE. THAT. Where she began mumbling to her self expressions of surprise and disgust. I simply said, "Isn't that how a line works? You have to wait your turn?" She continued her display of disgust even asking another person in line (sarcastically) if she had cut in front of them. I looked right at her a few times while we were waiting for our circle chicken to maybe confront why she was making such a scene and that I simply didn't want to wait any longer than she did, not to mention teaching my daughter between right and wrong, but she never once had the courage to even look in my direction. 

I'm a firm believer that you treat people how you want to be treated. Apparently there are a lot of people out there that like it when people are ass holes to them. Or at least that is how they treat others. I don't know of any other way of life, I'm no better than the next person. So if you are an ass hole to me, I will give you the benefit of the doubt that you are having a really bad day and you did not mean it. Continue to be an ass hole and you, either don't deserve my attention, or you will be wishing you had not gotten my attention. 

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