Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The Dilemma

I've got this cat, well not just a cat, my baby! My first baby that is. I got her after moving out on my own from a friends place. He was allergic to EVERY thing. So when I got my own place I was ready to have a fuzzy cuddle partner. Growing up I was a dog person, always had them. We never had cats because we lived on a very busy street, and with five kids my mom was not interested in making up story after story for why the cat was gone. I had moved into a small apartment and couldn't bear to think of tying a dog outside or leaving it in my little box of a place while I was at work for 9+ hours a day. Never having a cat before I decided, probably irrationally, this would be my best solution for my need for some furry love in my little home. So I went to the pound thinking to my self I would not get the first kitten I saw. I was going to choose very carefully since this would be my first pet that I would have sole responsibility for (besides my rat Scooter that I had when I was about 10). I walked into where they kept the cats and kittens. The woman working there showed me the first kennel that had a tabby grey stray momma cat and her 5 kittens. There was one that sprung to the door of the cage and clung to it as if it should have been wearing a tiny Spiderman suit. I told the woman helping me that I would like to see "that one".  As she handed the scared kitten to me it was almost like we were two socks out of the dryer that had no static cling sheet to help from the stickiness. I couldn't help but feel nurturing to this little ball of fuzz that had enormous ears compared to her tiny frame. So, yes, I ended up taking the first one I saw. 

Flash forward 10 years. 

This cat has been through EVERY thing with me. Moving from town to town, from place to place. Even from one guy to the next. Throughout it all she never judged me (if she did, she never said any thing <3). She was always there for me to cry into when my life seemed to be falling apart. She was my sanity in the crazy world of humans. I couldn't love her any more than I could love my own mother. Especially when my mom was so far from me along with the rest of my family after deciding at [probably] too young of an age to move nearly 1500 miles from them all. This cat was all I had and really all I needed at the time. Then I met him!

I met him at a bar, of all places. But it's not like that, although that's a story for another blog. We were two opposites finding common interest in the weird way the world and it's inhabitants worked. After only a few months we were inseparable, 3+ years later we were married and a year after that we were pregnant. Through all this [now] our cat has been the baby. He's been the first one she really took to and at times I accuse her of being a trader. She's a very picky cat. She's only known me as a constant. Every thing else she's known has been nothing short of a whirl wind of my crazy life. She's not fond of other cats at all. I think she thinks she's a dog, but only gets along with them if they are either afraid of her (she's a large cat) or they could give a rats ass about her. She's actually been know to cuddle with the right dog. She gets pretty skittish around new people and usually takes quite a while before she'll even come into sight. And she hates little kids with a fiery passion, which concerned me when I was pregnant with our daughter. After the kid was on the move the cat, one; was much faster than the kid at the time, and two; she had some time to get to know the kid a bit before she was being chased all over the house. To say the least it all worked out. The cat hates it when the kid tries to get too lovey, but she's surprisingly good with her. 

With that all said I now have this dilemma. The cat is now nearly 14 years old and starting to show signs of old age. ...Or at least that's what I'm guessing. Since she has always been an indoor cat (because of the whole fear my mom instilled in me about cats and busy streets) I took her in as a kitten and had all her shots taken care of along with having her fixed. Since then she has not been back. She has always been a very healthy cat and has never been out to be exposed to any thing. Well, recently she has been throwing up a lot. Not like an annoying amount, but more like 6 or 7 times in a day. Maybe not every day, but at least a few times a week or more. Now, you're probably thinking, "Why won't you take her into the vet?!?". First, we are having a difficult time paying our house payment at the moment not to mention the fact that she is not a traveler. She gets WAY stressed out when being moved from house to house. Of course if she was 3 or 8 I would take her in and do what I could even if I had to set up payments some how. This cat is 14 years old. I can hear her play at night (when she is not puking her guts out all night). She doesn't seem to be loosing tons of weight. And there are days she seems to be just fine. But then we return to the days that she is heaving most of the day and obviously not feeling well and sleeps ALL day, which those days are not normal. But do I put our selves in more way-over-our-heads-debt for a very old cat?  I've read and heard from vets opinion that I would have to do blood work on her to figure it out. (I've ruled out all the other obvious issues like hair ball problems or the food, etc.) That could cost a pretty penny before any thing is payed for remedies. 

So there are my options. 

  • Take the cat in and do every thing I can for her no matter what that means for my family financially, after all she was my first baby. 
  • Leave her be and hope for the best, cleaning cat puke off of EVERY thing every other day.
  • Have her euthanized. (If the vet sees it fit.)
And to be honest I can't even believe I would think the last option would even be an option for me, but as I said I'm in a dilemma and just want to do what is best for her and the whole family. :( 


  1. I actually understand how you're feeling; she's apart of your family, an original member at that. I had a cat, named Shadow, from when I was about 5 to when I was 18. Best cat EVER. He'd come whenever i call him and would walk with me down the street to friend's houses. When he died, he just kind of disappeared. Cats tend to know when it's coming and just kind of find a place to go die. Pretty sad. Of course it was a bit different for me since he was an outdoor cat.

    I think you should look up the symptoms online and see if you can figure out what is wrong yourself. You'd be amazed at the info you can find in animal themed forums. Use other people's experience to your advantage and you may find a solution. If that fails, I think you should take her in and take the hit. I understand you're struggling with money, but i firmly believe that you will look back on this and NOT regret doing everything you could for your baby. It will be difficult, but you're not going to lose your house over it and you WILL get through it even though it's hard. In my opinion, you gotta think about how you will see this after it's over and with hard part already done. You may regret not doing everything you can for your baby. Hell, I regret not petting Shadow more around the time he was going to unexpectedly be gone.

  2. My dog Henry is almost 11 years old. About a year ago, he ruptured a tendon in his back leg. The doctor said they could perform surgery to reattach the tendon at a cost of about $6,000 and with no guarantee that it would be successful. The alternative was to wait and see if he would be able to learn to use the leg over time. These days he walks with a limp, but is otherwise doing okay for an old man. At the time, I also felt I was in a dilemma. Am I obligated to do whatever it takes regardless of cost, his age, or any other factors? He is completely dependent on me after all.

    These are decisions all pet owners must make at some point. I called Mom & Dad for their take on the situation and got a good dose of common sense. Yes, you are responsible for your pet's health and well-being and happiness. You are also responsible for yourself, and going into debt to save an animal that is in old age and possibly approaching the end of it's expected life span would be irresponsible to yourself and your family. Taking care of your pets and doing what's best doesn't always mean trying to save them at all cost. Sometimes you just have to do what you can to keep them as happy and comfortable as possible. I can't imagine the heartache I will feel when it's Henry's time to go, but I will know he had a good and happy life and he had me as a life long friend.

  3. Thank you for the stories. It all helps. I need to remember what she means to me and cherish the time I have/had with her.

    Mark, your right about giving her more of my attention. I guess I take her for granted a lot and I need to remember that she IS my baby and not just a chore (litter box, constantly vacuuming hair and now all the puking). My kid LOVES her and of course she is part of our family.

    Jeff, I get what you are saying and felt this way already. It's just I felt as bad about not doing any thing as I felt about going into (more) debt or the alternative. I've heard of some home remedies that I am trying to help ease her of the constant puking. Until I KNOW she is no longer thriving on a daily bases, I'm going to hope for the best and do what is financially possible for us.
