Saturday, January 21, 2012


I'm slowly realizing that my reality is not what I had dreamed up.  Of course I always dreamed of having children and being married to my best friend and some day owning a cute little house on some nice quiet street in some nice quiet town. Those dreams all came true. But is it really how I imagined it? No. 

I had big dreams when I was young, like many ignorant youth. Of course I'm not saying that I could not have made those dreams come true. I am a firm believer in determination and it paying off. And I am a determined person. A lot of the time, though, my determination goes awry. Such as several of my life experiences. One thing that I have learned from all of this is you must find your own path what ever situation you are in. This has lead me to this blog. 

I have had so many experiences that have lead me to this exact spot in my life and I am oddly thankful for all of them. Bad and good, strange and [some unfavorably] unforgettable and some extremely life altering. Every thing that has happened has brought me to the two people I love more than life it's self and I couldn't be more thankful for that. Consequently this has enabled me to let go of my past and concentrate on making my new dreams reality. Which so happens to be something I have just recently been able to identify. And with this, I will attempt to explain my crazy reality. 

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