Thursday, August 23, 2012

Ahhh Homeschooling

Let the learning begin. Well, ...continue, I should say. Of course since The Kid was just a wittle baby I've been stimulating her brain in any way I can. Recently I started using some free online curriculums through the last spring and summer (although we didn't do much but play over the summer). It's kept her on her toes and ready for schooling at a moments notice. We haven't been working on a daily bases and I think that helps. But now that she is 4 and ready to be doing a scheduled curriculum, I've taken a stab at writing one my self. I had some help from some friends in a Pagan homeschooling group with ideas, and also the world wide web is a necessity. But before I started I needed to make sure I was really ready for all of this. I am, as some may know, not the most organized person. So I looked over a random school supply list and searched the web for must haves for kindergarten. I had most of the things a kindergartner would need like crayons, pencils, construction paper, glue, etc. My biggest help so far though has been her calender. I went and got her a planner for her schooling. In times past I have tried to set up a months worth of schooling. That was hard to stay on top of since a day in the life of a homeschooler can be very unpredictable. ...especially with a scatter brain teacher like my self. I also tried an actual curriculum but that was too similar to the monthly set up. Finally I read a suggestion on a homeschool page I follow that did rotating days. For example; on Blue days we do philosophy, Spanish, religion (Faith) and P.A. (physical activity which we do every day). On Red days it's history, science, geography and more P.A., Yellow days are reading, writing, math and P.A. Then there are the PBS days which she plays the PBS Kids Play online curriculum that is designed just for her. And then the 5th day is a field trip day. We go to the library, a museum, walk in nature, tour a place of business, etc.

Today is the first day. Right now she is watching Rapunzel (not like she needs a refresher) and through the movie I've asked her some moral type questions, like is Mother Gothel a bad person? Why? Is she bad for taking care of Rapunzel all those years as a baby and little girl? Things that will make her think and question what is. Philosophy is going to be one of my favorite subjects, I can tell already. Today's P.A. is a work out with mom. The kid really gets going on the routine and is a great cheerleader for me to stay motivated. Later we'll learn more about our religion and one of the "holidays" (Sabbats) coming near. Then it's onto a word/picture puzzle for Spanish. I received this puzzle through Discovery Toys when I started my business with them and am excited to be using it in my homeschool routine. It will be great for not only teaching words and sounds and reading, but the word side of the puzzle pieces have the word in English, Spanish and French. As does many of the Discovery Toys.


Day 2; So we covered most of what I had aimed for yesterday. While on a late errand we had a discussion in the car about the next couple of Sabbats coming up like Mabon and Samhain and why we celebrate them. We also talked about how the original traditions have turned into the ones of today. She was actually quite interested which was pleasantly surprising.

What we didn't cover, we did today. And what we don't get to today, we'll worry about tomorrow. I have to remember that she is learning, we are having fun and we still like each other. The moment I start to stress about getting behind will be the start of a disaster. Because I've tried to keep to my rigid schedules before and have failed miserably. I put to much on my plate and expect my self to follow the plan to a T. Which we all know is mostly impossible when you are a mom......homeschooling.....with a home business. 

As I get further into the year and figure out what works and what doesn't, I'll keep you updated. My biggest challenge is going to be keeping her this interested in "the lessons". Especially not having any one to stay motivated with.  At least not yet. That will be the next issue is finding a homeschooling group we will fit into. I fear that might be a harder task then I like to think about since we live in a smaller town and we don't exactly have a "main stream" faith. If I wish it, so mote it be? :)